Use Employee Retention Credit Funds to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

While there seems to be boundless corporate backing for achieving Carbon Neutrality, there always seems to be a lack of funding when making plans to attain that goal. But what if you were able to identify an unrealized funding source – could those “free” funds be earmarked for energy efficiency projects or purchasing Carbon Offsets?

The Employee Retention Credit is a Covid-19 federal response program under the Cares Act that was most recently amended in late 2022. This program provides a credit of up to $26,000 per employee if your business was negatively impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.

If your operations were negatively impacted through a government mandate or restriction, or you if were unable to obtain goods or materials from your suppliers, you can qualify. You can also qualify if you experienced a 20% reduction of gross income in one or more quarters of 2021 (relative to 2019), or a 50% income reduction in any quarter of 2020, (again, relative to 2019).

This audit program is available to organizations (including non-profits) with a minimum of 10 employees. For more information on how to take advantage of this program, contact:

Craig Schuttenberg --- --- (773) 491-1564

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Online Reverse Auction Platform – Savings for your Environmental Mission

As corporations, colleges and universities work towards becoming carbon neutral, there are going to be times when budgets are stressed and funding for environmental measures is limited. Savings can created in other areas of procurement which can be utilized to move your organization’s environmental mission forward, resulting in a cleaner planet. This is where Satori Energy and their online reverse auction can help. They bring their competitive cost advantage to institutions seeking lower-cost commodity energy. Satori Energy not only has an expansive back room (providing commodity pricing analysis and customer support), but they also are licensed to procure electricity and natural gas in all states where customers have the right to choose their energy provider.

Community Solar with Nexamp

Approximately 50% of homes can’t support rooftop solar panels. If yours is one of them, Community Solar with Nexamp is a super easy way to support local clean energy and save up to 20% on electricity supply costs – without installing rooftop solar panels or signing annual contracts.

"Joining a solar community farm was the best option for me - no upfront costs, no panels that can deteriorate over time and subsequently produce less power. Plus, Nexamp customer service is excellent." –Pat W, Nexamp Subscriber

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XL Hybrids - 20% Reduction in CO2 Emissions

A hybrid conversion is a cutting-edge technology designed to transform your existing vehicle, or a new one via ship-thru installation, into a hybrid electric vehicle. XL Hybrids' system is designed to work on the most popular Class 2-4 fleet vehicles, including cargo and passenger vans, cutaways, and stripped chassis.

By adding hybrid powertrains to your fleet, you can cut fuel costs, reduce your exposure to fuel price fluctuations, and reduce emissions. Why wait?

It'll blow your mind.

EnerFusion provides consumers with an easy, convenient, and safe source of "Green" power to connect and recharge portable electronic devices when away from the home or office. Our products are aimed to ensure that whenever you need to plug in, we will be there to provide "Green" power for your electronic devices. GO ON, PLUG IN GREEN!

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Creating a Community.
See for yourself.

Creating a Community is easy. All you need is a committed group of at least 100 individuals who have ties to a single organization. For example your community could be a college or university with the community’s “members” being faculty, staff and students and their families. Or your community could be your company with "members" being employees and their families.

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Energy Efficient Cars.
Vroom Vroom.

We know there are a lot of considerations that go into buying a car, why not buy one that will not only save money on fuel, but also reduce future carbon emissions. To assist you in the future, we will secure an agreement with a buying service that will get you the best deal on a car from a local dealer and we have a listing of suggested fuel efficient cars for you to consider. All of the cars burn significantly less fuel than the current CAFÉ standard.

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